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MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual/.../ ndb_setup.py — Start browser-based Auto-Installer for NDB Cluster (DEPRECATED)

18.4.25 ndb_setup.py — Start browser-based Auto-Installer for NDB Cluster (DEPRECATED)


This feature is deprecated and should be avoided. It is subject to removal in a future version of NDB Cluster.

ndb_setup.pystarts the NDB Cluster Auto-Installer and opens the installer's Start page in the default Web browser.


This program is intended to be invoked as a normal user, and not with themysql, systemroot, or other administrative account.

This section describes usage of and program options for the command-line tool only. For information about using the Auto-Installer GUI that is spawned whenndb_setup.pyis invoked, seeSection 18.2.8, “The NDB Cluster Auto-Installer (No longer supported)”.


All platforms:

ndb_setup.py [options]

Additionally, on Windows platforms only:

setup.bat [options]

The following table includes all options that are supported by the NDB Cluster installation and configuration programndb_setup.py. Additional descriptions follow the table.

Table 18.37 Command-line options used with the program ndb_setup.py

Format Description Added, Deprecated, or Removed



Page that web browser opens when starting

(Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.6)



File containing list of client certificates allowed to connect to server

(Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.6)



File containing X509 certificate identifying server

(Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.6)



Python logging module debug level; one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING (default), ERROR, or CRITICAL

(Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.6)



Print help message

(Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.6)



Specify file containing private key (if not included in --cert-file)

(Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.6)



Do not open start page in browser, merely start tool

(Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.6)



Specify port used by web server

(Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.6)



Log requests to this file; use '-' to force logging to stderr instead

(Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.6)



Name of server to connect to

(Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.6)



Use encrypted (HTTPS) client/server connection

(Supported in all NDB releases based on MySQL 5.6)

  • --browser-start-page=file,-s

    Command-Line Format --browser-start-page=filename
    Type String
    Default Value index.html

    Specify the file to open in the browser as the installation and configuration Start page. The default isindex.html.

  • --ca-certs-file=file,-a

    Command-Line Format --ca-certs-file=filename
    Type File name
    Default Value [none]

    Specify a file containing a list of client certificates which are allowed to connect to the server. The default is an empty string, which means that no client authentication is used.

  • --cert-file=file,-c

    Command-Line Format --cert-file=filename
    Type File name
    Default Value /usr/share/mysql/mcc/cfg.pem

    Specify a file containing an X.509 certificate which identifies the server. It is possible for the certificate to be self-signed. The default iscfg.pem.

  • --debug-level=level,-d

    Command-Line Format --debug-level=level
    Type Enumeration
    Default Value WARNING
    Valid Values






    Set the Python logging module debug level. This is one ofDEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR, orCRITICAL.WARNINGis the default.

  • --help,-h

    Command-Line Format --help

    Print a help message.

  • --key-file=file,-d

    Command-Line Format --key-file=file
    Type File name
    Default Value [none]

    Specify a file containing the private key if this is not included in the X. 509 certificate file (--cert-file). The default is an empty string, which means that no such file is used.

  • --no-browser,-n

    Command-Line Format --no-browser

    Start the installation and configuration tool, but do not open the Start page in a browser.

  • --port=#,-p

    Command-Line Format --port=#
    Type Numeric
    Default Value 8081
    Minimum Value 1
    Maximum Value 65535

    Set the port used by the web server. The default is 8081.

  • --server-log-file=file,-o

    Command-Line Format --server-log-file=file
    Type File name
    Default Value ndb_setup.log
    Valid Values


    -(Log to stderr)

    Log requests to this file. The default isndb_setup.log. To specify logging tostderr, rather than to a file, use a-(dash character) for the file name.

  • --server-name=host,-N

    Command-Line Format --server-name=name
    Type String
    Default Value localhost

    Specify the host name or IP address for the browser to use when connecting. The default islocalhost.

  • --use-https,-S

    Command-Line Format --use-https

    Make the browser use a secure (HTTPS) connection with the server.