MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual
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The following table lists the most commonNDBcluster log messages. For information about the cluster log, log events, and event types, seeSection 23.5.3, “Event Reports Generated in NDB Cluster”. These log messages also correspond to log event types in the MGM API; seeThe Ndb_logevent_type Type, for related information of interest to Cluster API developers.

Table 23.52 Common NDB cluster log messages

Log Message Description Event Name Event Type Priority Severity
Nodemgm_node_id: Nodedata_node_idConnected The data node having node IDnode_idhas connected to the management server (nodemgm_node_id). Connected Connection 8 INFO
Nodemgm_node_id: Nodedata_node_idDisconnected The data node having node IDdata_node_idhas disconnected from the management server (nodemgm_node_id). Disconnected Connection 8 ALERT
Nodedata_node_id: Communication to Nodeapi_node_idclosed The API node or SQL node having node IDapi_node_idis no longer communicating with data nodedata_node_id. CommunicationClosed Connection 8 INFO
Nodedata_node_id: Communication to Nodeapi_node_idopened The API node or SQL node having node IDapi_node_idis now communicating with data nodedata_node_id. CommunicationOpened Connection 8 INFO
Nodemgm_node_id: Nodeapi_node_id: APIversion The API node having node IDapi_node_idhas connected to management nodemgm_node_idusingNDBAPI versionversion(generally the same as the MySQL version number). ConnectedApiVersion Connection 8 INFO
Nodenode_id: Global checkpointgcistarted A global checkpoint with the IDgcihas been started; nodenode_idis the master responsible for this global checkpoint. GlobalCheckpointStarted Checkpoint 9 INFO
Nodenode_id: Global checkpointgcicompleted The global checkpoint having the IDgcihas been completed; nodenode_idwas the master responsible for this global checkpoint. GlobalCheckpointCompleted Checkpoint 10 INFO
Nodenode_id: Local checkpointlcpstarted. Keep GCI =current_gcioldest restorable GCI =old_gci The local checkpoint having sequence IDlcphas been started on nodenode_id. The most recent GCI that can be used has the indexcurrent_gci, and the oldest GCI from which the cluster can be restored has the indexold_gci. LocalCheckpointStarted Checkpoint 7 INFO
Nodenode_id: Local checkpointlcpcompleted The local checkpoint having sequence IDlcpon nodenode_idhas been completed. LocalCheckpointCompleted Checkpoint 8 INFO
Nodenode_id: Local Checkpoint stopped in CALCULATED_KEEP_GCI The node was unable to determine the most recent usable GCI. LCPStoppedInCalcKeepGci Checkpoint 0 ALERT
Nodenode_id: Table ID =table_id, fragmentID = fragment_idhas completed LCP on Nodenode_idmaxGciStarted:started_gcimaxGciCompleted:completed_gci A table fragment has been checkpointed to disk on nodenode_id. The GCI in progress has the indexstarted_gci, and the most recent GCI to have been completed has the indexcompleted_gci. LCPFragmentCompleted Checkpoint 11 INFO
Nodenode_id: ACC Blockednum_1and TUP Blockednum_2times last second Undo logging is blocked because the log buffer is close to overflowing. UndoLogBlocked Checkpoint 7 INFO
Nodenode_id: Start initiatedversion Data nodenode_id, runningNDBversionversion, is beginning its startup process. NDBStartStarted StartUp 1 INFO
Nodenode_id: Startedversion Data nodenode_id, runningNDBversionversion, has started successfully. NDBStartCompleted StartUp 1 INFO
Nodenode_id: STTORRY received after restart finished 节点收到一个信号icating that a cluster restart has completed. STTORRYRecieved StartUp 15 INFO
Nodenode_id: Start phasephasecompleted (type) The node has completed start phasephaseof atypestart. For a listing of start phases, seeSection 23.5.4, “Summary of NDB Cluster Start Phases”. (typeis one ofinitial,system,node,initial node, or<未知>.) StartPhaseCompleted StartUp 4 INFO
Nodenode_id: CM_REGCONF president =president_id, own Node =own_id, our dynamic id =dynamic_id Nodepresident_idhas been selected aspresident.own_idanddynamic_idshould always be the same as the ID (node_id) of the reporting node. CM_REGCONF StartUp 3 INFO
Nodenode_id: CM_REGREF from Nodepresident_idto our Nodenode_id. Cause =cause The reporting node (IDnode_id) was unable to accept nodepresident_idas president. Thecauseof the problem is given as one ofBusy,Election with wait = false,Not president,Election without selecting new candidate, orNo such cause. CM_REGREF StartUp 8 INFO
Nodenode_id: We are Nodeown_idwith dynamic IDdynamic_id, our left neighbor is Nodeid_1, our right is Nodeid_2 The node has discovered its neighboring nodes in the cluster (nodeid_1and nodeid_2).node_id,own_id, anddynamic_idshould always be the same; if they are not, this indicates a serious misconfiguration of the cluster nodes. FIND_NEIGHBOURS StartUp 8 INFO
Nodenode_id:typeshutdown initiated The node has received a shutdown signal. Thetypeof shutdown is eitherClusterorNode. NDBStopStarted StartUp 1 INFO
Nodenode_id: Node shutdown completed[,action] [Initiated by signalsignal.] The node has been shut down. This report may include anaction, which if present is one ofrestarting,no start, orinitial. The report may also include a reference to anNDBProtocolsignal; for possible signals, refer toOperations and Signals. NDBStopCompleted StartUp 1 INFO
Nodenode_id: Forced node shutdown completed[, action].[Occurred during startphasestart_phase.] [Initiated bysignal.] [Caused by errorerror_code: 'error_message(error_classification).error_status'.[(extra infoextra_code)]] The node has been forcibly shut down. Theaction(one ofrestarting,no start, orinitial) subsequently being taken, if any, is also reported. If the shutdown occurred while the node was starting, the report includes thestart_phase在此期间节点失败了。如果这是一个结果of asignalsent to the node, this information is also provided (seeOperations and Signals, for more information). If the error causing the failure is known, this is also included; for more information aboutNDBerror messages and classifications, seeNDB Cluster API Errors. NDBStopForced StartUp 1 ALERT
Nodenode_id: Node shutdown aborted The node shutdown process was aborted by the user. NDBStopAborted StartUp 1 INFO
Nodenode_id: StartLog: [GCI Keep:keep_posLastCompleted:last_posNewestRestorable:restore_pos] This reports global checkpoints referenced during a node start. The redo log prior tokeep_posis dropped.last_posis the last global checkpoint in which data node the participated;restore_posis the global checkpoint which is actually used to restore all data nodes. StartREDOLog StartUp 4 INFO
startup_message[Listed separately; see below.] There are a number of possible startup messages that can be logged under different circumstances. These are listed separately; seeSection, “NDB Cluster Log Startup Messages”. StartReport StartUp 4 INFO
Nodenode_id: Node restart completed copy of dictionary information Copying of data dictionary information to the restarted node has been completed. NR_CopyDict NodeRestart 8 INFO
Nodenode_id: Node restart completed copy of distribution information Copying of data distribution information to the restarted node has been completed. NR_CopyDistr NodeRestart 8 INFO
Nodenode_id: Node restart starting to copy the fragments to Nodenode_id Copy of fragments to starting data nodenode_idhas begun NR_CopyFragsStarted NodeRestart 8 INFO
Nodenode_id: Table ID =table_id, fragment ID =fragment_idhave been copied to Nodenode_id Fragmentfragment_idfrom tabletable_idhas been copied to data nodenode_id NR_CopyFragDone NodeRestart 10 INFO
Nodenode_id: Node restart completed copying the fragments to Nodenode_id Copying of all table fragments to restarting data nodenode_idhas been completed NR_CopyFragsCompleted NodeRestart 8 INFO
Nodenode_id: Nodenode1_idcompleted failure of Nodenode2_id Data nodenode1_idhas detected the failure of data nodenode2_id NodeFailCompleted NodeRestart 8 ALERT
All nodes completed failure of Nodenode_id All (remaining) data nodes have detected the failure of data nodenode_id NodeFailCompleted NodeRestart 8 ALERT
Node failure ofnode_idblockcompleted The failure of data nodenode_idhas been detected in theblockNDBkernel block, where block is 1 ofDBTC,DBDICT,DBDIH, orDBLQH; for more information, seeNDB Kernel Blocks NodeFailCompleted NodeRestart 8 ALERT
Nodemgm_node_id: Nodedata_node_idhas failed. The Node state at failure wasstate_code A data node has failed. Its state at the time of failure is described by an arbitration state codestate_code: possible state code values can be found in the fileinclude/kernel/signaldata/ArbitSignalData.hpp. NODE_FAILREP NodeRestart 8 ALERT
President restarts arbitration thread [state=state_code]orPrepare arbitrator nodenode_id[ticket=ticket_id]orReceive arbitrator nodenode_id[ticket=ticket_id]orStarted arbitrator nodenode_id[ticket=ticket_id]orLost arbitrator nodenode_id- process failure [state=state_code]orLost arbitrator nodenode_id- process exit [state=state_code]orLost arbitrator nodenode_id-error_message[state=state_code] This is a report on the current state and progress of arbitration in the cluster.node_idis the node ID of the management node or SQL node selected as the arbitrator.state_codeis an arbitration state code, as found ininclude/kernel/signaldata/ArbitSignalData.hpp. When an error has occurred, anerror_message, also defined inArbitSignalData.hpp, is provided.ticket_idis a unique identifier handed out by the arbitrator when it is selected to all the nodes that participated in its selection; this is used to ensure that each node requesting arbitration was one of the nodes that took part in the selection process. ArbitState NodeRestart 6 INFO
Arbitration check lost - less than 1/2 nodes leftorArbitration check won - all node groups and more than 1/2 nodes leftorArbitration check won - node group majorityorArbitration check lost - missing node grouporNetwork partitioning - arbitration requiredorArbitration won - positive reply from nodenode_idorArbitration lost - negative reply from nodenode_idorNetwork partitioning - no arbitrator availableorNetwork partitioning - no arbitrator configuredorArbitration failure -error_message[state=state_code] This message reports on the result of arbitration. In the event of arbitration failure, anerror_messageand an arbitrationstate_codeare provided; definitions for both of these are found ininclude/kernel/signaldata/ArbitSignalData.hpp. ArbitResult NodeRestart 2 ALERT
Nodenode_id: GCP Take over started This node is attempting to assume responsibility for the next global checkpoint (that is, it is becoming the master node) GCP_TakeoverStarted NodeRestart 7 INFO
Nodenode_id: GCP Take over completed This node has become the master, and has assumed responsibility for the next global checkpoint GCP_TakeoverCompleted NodeRestart 7 INFO
Nodenode_id: LCP Take over started This node is attempting to assume responsibility for the next set of local checkpoints (that is, it is becoming the master node) LCP_TakeoverStarted NodeRestart 7 INFO
Nodenode_id: LCP Take over completed This node has become the master, and has assumed responsibility for the next set of local checkpoints LCP_TakeoverCompleted NodeRestart 7 INFO
Nodenode_id: Trans. Count =transactions, Commit Count =commits, Read Count =reads, Simple Read Count =simple_reads, Write Count =writes, AttrInfo Count =AttrInfo_objects, Concurrent Operations =concurrent_operations, Abort Count =aborts, Scans =scans扫描范围=range_scans This report of transaction activity is given approximately once every 10 seconds TransReportCounters Statistic 8 INFO
Nodenode_id: Operations=operations Number of operations performed by this node, provided approximately once every 10 seconds OperationReportCounters Statistic 8 INFO
Nodenode_id: Table with ID =table_idcreated A table having the table ID shown has been created TableCreated Statistic 7 INFO
Nodenode_id: Mean loop Counter in doJob last 8192 times =count JobStatistic Statistic 9 INFO
Mean send size to Node =node_idlast 4096 sends =bytesbytes This node is sending an average ofbytesbytes per send to nodenode_id SendBytesStatistic Statistic 9 INFO
Mean receive size to Node =node_idlast 4096 sends =bytesbytes This node is receiving an average ofbytesof data each time it receives data from nodenode_id ReceiveBytesStatistic Statistic 9 INFO
Nodenode_id: Data usage isdata_memory_percentage% (data_pages_used32K pages of totaldata_pages_total)/Nodenode_id: Index usage isindex_memory_percentage% (index_pages_used8K pages of totalindex_pages_total) This report is generated when aDUMP 1000command is issued in the cluster management client MemoryUsage Statistic 5 INFO
Nodenode1_id: Transporter to nodenode2_idreported errorerror_code:error_message A transporter error occurred while communicating with nodenode2_id; for a listing of transporter error codes and messages, seeNDB Transporter Errors, inMySQL NDB Cluster Internals Manual TransporterError Error 2 ERROR
Nodenode1_id: Transporter to nodenode2_idreported errorerror_code:error_message A warning of a potential transporter problem while communicating with nodenode2_id; for a listing of transporter error codes and messages, seeNDB Transporter Errors, for more information TransporterWarning Error 8 WARNING
Nodenode1_id: Nodenode2_idmissed heartbeatheartbeat_id This node missed a heartbeat from nodenode2_id MissedHeartbeat Error 8 WARNING
Nodenode1_id: Nodenode2_iddeclared dead due to missed heartbeat This node has missed at least 3 heartbeats from nodenode2_id, and so has declared that nodedead DeadDueToHeartbeat Error 8 ALERT
Nodenode1_id: Node Sent Heartbeat to node =node2_id This node has sent a heartbeat to nodenode2_id SentHeartbeat Info 12 INFO
Nodenode_id: Event buffer status (object_id): used=bytes_used(percent_used% of alloc) alloc=bytes_allocatedmax=bytes_availablelatest_consumed_epoch=latest_consumed_epochlatest_buffered_epoch=latest_buffered_epochreport_reason=report_reason This report is seen during heavy event buffer usage, for example, when many updates are being applied in a relatively short period of time; the report shows the number of bytes and the percentage of event buffer memory used, the bytes allocated and percentage still available, and the latest buffered and consumed epochs; for more information, seeSection, “Event Buffer Reporting in the Cluster Log” EventBufferStatus2 Info 7 INFO
Nodenode_id: Entering single user mode,Nodenode_id: Entered single user mode NodeAPI_node_idhas exclusive access,Nodenode_id: Entering single user mode These reports are written to the cluster log when entering and exiting single user mode;API_node_idis the node ID of the API or SQL having exclusive access to the cluster (for more information, seeSection 23.5.6, “NDB Cluster Single User Mode”); the messageUnknown single user reportAPI_node_idindicates an error has taken place and should never be seen in normal operation SingleUser Info 7 INFO
Nodenode_id: Backupbackup_idstarted from nodemgm_node_id A backup has been started using the management node havingmgm_node_id; this message is also displayed in the cluster management client when theSTART BACKUPcommand is issued; for more information, seeSection, “Using The NDB Cluster Management Client to Create a Backup” BackupStarted Backup 7 INFO
Nodenode_id: Backupbackup_idstarted from nodemgm_node_idcompleted. StartGCP:start_gcpStopGCP:stop_gcp#Records:records#LogRecords:log_recordsData:data_bytesbytes Log:log_bytesbytes The backup having the IDbackup_idhas been completed; for more information, seeSection, “Using The NDB Cluster Management Client to Create a Backup” BackupCompleted Backup 7 INFO
Nodenode_id: Backup request frommgm_node_idfailed to start. Error:error_code The backup failed to start; for error codes, seeMGM API Errors BackupFailedToStart Backup 7 ALERT
Nodenode_id: Backupbackup_idstarted frommgm_node_idhas been aborted. Error:error_code The backup was terminated after starting, possibly due to user intervention BackupAborted Backup 7 ALERT