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mysql> SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_FT_DEFAULT_STOPWORD+-------+ | 价值  | +-------+ | 大约一个| | | |的| |是| |是| |的| |是| |的| | com | |德| | en | |的| |的| | |如何我| | |中| |是| |是| | la |的| | |的| |和| |:| |的| |这| |,| |是| |是| |当| |中| |谁| |将| |和| |和| |的| | www  | +-------+ 36行集(0.00秒)


——创建一个新的停止词表mysql> Create table my_stopwords(value VARCHAR(30)) ENGINE = INNODB;mysql> Insert INTO my_stopwords(value) VALUES ('Ishmael');查询OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)——创建表mysql> Create table opening_lines (id INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, opening_line TEXT(500), author VARCHAR(200), title VARCHAR(200)) ENGINE=InnoDB;查询OK, 0行影响(0.01秒)——插入数据到表mysql> Insert into opening_lines(opening_line,author,title) VALUES ('Call me Ishmael。)、《赫尔曼·梅尔维尔》、《白鲸》)、(尖叫声响彻天际。’、‘品钦’、‘万有引力的彩虹’)、(‘我是一个隐形人。,“拉尔夫·埃里森”,“隐形人”),(“现在在哪里?”现在谁?现在什么时候?','Samuel Beckett','The Unnamable'), ('It was love at first sight.','Joseph Heller','Catch-22'), ('All this happened, more or less.','Kurt Vonnegut','Slaughterhouse-Five'), ('Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself.','Virginia Woolf','Mrs. Dalloway'), ('It was a pleasure to burn.','Ray Bradbury','Fahrenheit 451'); Query OK, 8 rows affected (0.00 sec) Records: 8 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 -- Set the innodb_ft_server_stopword_table option to the new stopword table mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_ft_server_stopword_table = 'test/my_stopwords'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) -- Create the full-text index (which rebuilds the table if no FTS_DOC_ID column is defined) mysql> CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX idx ON opening_lines(opening_line); Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (1.17 sec) Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 1




mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_ft_aux_table='test/opening_lines';查询OK, 0行影响(0.00秒)mysql> SELECT word FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMAInnodb_ft_index_table limit 15;+-----------+ | 词  | +-----------+ | 在| |所有| |燃烧| |购买| |电话| |是| |史册。| |第一| | |花发生了| | | |她看不见| | |少| |喜欢| |男人  | +-----------+ 15行集(0.00秒)






下面的列表显示了的默认停止词MyISAM搜索索引。在MySQL源代码发行版中,您可以在存储/ myisam / ft_static.c文件。

A能够在上面根据实际上穿越之后之后再对不是都允许允许几乎独自沿着已经也尽管总是在一个和另一个任何人,任何人,任何人,无论如何,无论如何,任何地方之间出现欣赏合适的是不在旁边,询问相关的在可用的离开非常成为因为成为成为成为之前之前在后面相信下面除了最好更好之间超越两者都简短,但由c'mon c的来可以不能不能不能引起原因某些肯定改变清楚co com来来来来关于因此考虑考虑包含包含对应的可能不能课程目前肯定描述尽管做了没有不同的做了做了不做不做不做不做向下向下在每个edu期间,例如八要么其他其他地方足够完全特别是等等,甚至每一个人每一个人每一个地方ex,确切的例子,除了far few fifth first five followed following follows for former formerly forth four from further furthermore get gets getting given gives go goes going gone got gotten greetings had hadn't happens hardly has hasn't have haven't having he he's hello help hence her here here's hereafter hereby herein hereupon hers herself hi him himself his hither hopefully how howbeit however i'd i'll i'm i've ie if ignored immediate in inasmuch inc indeed indicate indicated indicates inner insofar instead into inward is isn't it it'd it'll it's its itself just keep keeps kept know known knows last lately later latter latterly least less lest let let's like liked likely little look looking looks ltd mainly many may maybe me mean meanwhile merely might more moreover most mostly much must my myself name namely nd near nearly necessary need needs neither never nevertheless new next nine no nobody non none noone nor normally not nothing novel now nowhere obviously of off often oh ok okay old on once one ones only onto or other others otherwise ought our ours ourselves out outside over overall own particular particularly per perhaps placed please plus possible presumably probably provides que quite qv rather rd re really reasonably regarding regardless regards relatively respectively right said same saw say saying says second secondly see seeing seem seemed seeming seems seen self selves sensible sent serious seriously seven several shall she should shouldn't since six so some somebody somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhat somewhere soon sorry specified specify specifying still sub such sup sure t's take taken tell tends th than thank thanks thanx that that's thats the their theirs them themselves then thence there there's thereafter thereby therefore therein theres thereupon these they they'd they'll they're they've think third this thorough thoroughly those though three through throughout thru thus to together too took toward towards tried tries truly try trying twice two un under unfortunately unless unlikely until unto up upon us use used useful uses using usually value various very via viz vs want wants was wasn't way we we'd we'll we're we've welcome well went were weren't what what's whatever when whence whenever where where's whereafter whereas whereby wherein whereupon wherever whether which while whither who who's whoever whole whom whose why will willing wish with within without won't wonder would wouldn't yes yet you you'd you'll you're you've your yours yourself yourselves zero